25 Best TV Title Sequences

  • Simon Brough
  • August 15, 2024
  • 10 min read

Title sequences in television have become more than just a way to introduce a show; they often serve as mini-masterpieces that encapsulate the tone, themes, and style of the series. With the rise of prestige television, title sequences have gained newfound importance, offering creators a chance to set the mood and immerse viewers into the […]

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25 Best Movie Title Sequences

  • Simon Brough
  • August 15, 2024
  • 10 min read

Movie title sequences have always played a crucial role in cinema, serving as the first point of contact between the film and its audience. These opening sequences are much more than just a list of credits; they set the tone, atmosphere, and expectations for the story to come. A well-crafted title sequence can immediately immerse […]

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